EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 April
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso
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Text File
2,720 lines
; $VER: Digita Wordworth 3.1 Lite 23/9/94 (English declarations)
; Installer Revision 2 - 2/9/94
; ©Copyright 1994 Digita International
(complete 0)
(set #ProductName "Wordworth 3.1")
(set #ProductVersion "Special Edition")
;** The amount of space needed on the hard disk to install
(set FullHDSpace 3)
(set FullHDLibsSpace 100000)
(set Language "English") ; variable for catalog language
;** Various
(set FloppyFinished 0)
(set NumberInstallDisks 3)
(set #Install1Disk "Ww3.1SEInstall-1")
(set #Install2Disk "Ww3.1SEInstall-2")
(set #Install3Disk "Ww3.1SEInstall-3")
;** Archive Names and size of files on DISK 1
(set #WordworthSourceName
(cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/Wordworth.lzh"))
(set #WwFiles1SourceName
(cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/WwFiles1.lzh"))
(set #WwFiles3SourceName
(cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/WwFiles3.lzh"))
(set #CatalogsSourceName
(cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/Catalogs.lzh"))
(set #BootDiskFiles
(cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/Boot"))
(set #SystemFontsSourceName
(cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/Fonts.lzh"))
;(set #PrefsSourceName
; (cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/Prefs.lzh"))
(set #AmigaGuideSourceName
(cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/AmigaGuide.lzh"))
(set #ASLSourceName
(cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/asl.lzh"))
(set #DiskFontSourceName
(cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/diskfont.lzh"))
(set #FontType1SourceName
(cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/IFOnly.lzh"))
(set #ModuleOption1SourceName
(cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/Draw.lzh"))
(set #ModuleOption2SourceName
(cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/Picture.lzh"))
(set #ModuleOption3SourceName
(cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/TextFX.lzh"))
;** Archive Names and size of files on DISK 2
(set #WwProgSourceName
(cat #Install2Disk ":Archive/WwProg.lzh"))
(set #WwFiles2SourceName
(cat #Install2Disk ":Archive/WwFiles2.lzh"))
(set #IntelliSourceName
(cat #Install2Disk ":Archive/Intelli.lzh"))
(set #UFSTSourceName
(cat #Install2Disk ":Archive/UFST.lzh"))
(set #FloppyOtagsSourceName
(cat #Install2Disk ":Archive/OTAGS.lzh"))
(set #CustomExtras1SourceName
(cat #Install2Disk ":Archive/Tutorials.lzh"))
(set #CustomExtras2SourceName
(cat #Install2Disk ":Archive/Templates.lzh"))
(set #CustomExtras3SourceName
(cat #Install2Disk ":Archive/Clipart.lzh"))
(set #WwToolsSourceName
(cat #Install2Disk ":Archive/WwTools.lzh"))
(set #WwHelpSourceName
(cat #Install2Disk ":Archive/WwHelp.lzh"))
(set #FiltersSourceName
(cat #Install2Disk ":Archive/Filters.lzh"))
(set #GfxFilter1SourceName
(cat #Install2Disk ":Archive/CGM.lzh"))
;** Archive Names and size of files on DISK 3
(set #DictionarySourceName
(cat #Install3Disk ":Archive/Dictionary.lzh"))
(set #ThesaurusSourceName
(cat #Install3Disk ":Archive/Thesaurus.lzh"))
;** Archive names
(set #WordworthName "Wordworth.lzh")
(set #WwProgName "WwProg.lzh")
(set #WwFiles1Name "WwFiles1.lzh")
(set #WwFiles2Name "WwFiles2.lzh")
(set #WwFiles3Name "WwFiles3.lzh")
(set #AmigaGuideName "amigaguide.lzh")
(set #SystemFontsName "Fonts.lzh")
(set #ASLName "asl.lzh")
(set #DiskFontName "diskfont.lzh")
;(set #PrefsName "Prefs.lzh")
(set #CatalogsName "Catalogs.lzh")
(set #WwHelpName "WwHelp.lzh")
(set #ModuleOption1Name "Draw.lzh")
(set #ModuleOption2Name "Picture.lzh")
(set #ModuleOption3Name "TextFX.lzh")
(set #IntelliName "Intelli.lzh")
(set #TrueTypeName "TrueType.lzh")
(set #WwToolsName "WwTools.lzh")
(set #UFSTName "UFST.lzh")
(set #FloppyOtagsName "OTAGS.lzh")
(set #FontType1Name "IFOnly.lzh")
(set #IFlibraryName "DigitaIntellifont.library")
(set #FiltersName "Filters.lzh")
(set #FiltersFileName "wwfilter.library")
(set #AmigaGuideLibraryName "amigaguide.library")
(set #GfxFilter1Name "CGM.lzh")
(set #CustomExtras1Name "Tutorials.lzh")
(set #CustomExtras2Name "Templates.lzh")
(set #CustomExtras3Name "Clipart.lzh")
(set #DictionaryName "Dictionary.lzh")
(set #ThesaurusName "Thesaurus.lzh")
(set #Module1Name "Drawing Tools") ;These are the filenames of the expanded modules
(set #Module2Name "Picture")
(set #Module3Name "TextEffects")
;** Disk Names
(set #RamTempFile "RAM:WwTemp")
(set #LibsDefault "Libs")
(set #SystemFontsDest "Fonts")
(set #Font1Name "WW_STANDARD_Pica")
(set #Font2Name "Condensed60.font")
(set #Font3Name "newtopaz.font")
(set #NumFonts 3)
(set #Parallel "Parallel")
(set NumNewWwDisks 4)
(set #NewWwDiskName "Wordworth3")
(set #NewWwSysDiskName "Ww3System")
(set #NewWwOutlinesDiskName "Ww3Outlines")
(set #NewWwDictDiskName "Ww3Spell")
;** Envarc drawer and variable names
(set #WwDrawerName "Wordworth")
(set #WwFontsEnvName "WwFonts")
;** HD Drawer Names
(set #DrawerName "Wordworth3")
(set #Wordworth2DrawerName "Wordworth2")
(set #WordworthSEDrawerName "Wordworth")
(set #ModulesName "Modules")
(set #ModDisName "Storage")
(set #WwCatalogsName "Catalogs")
(set #WwFilesDrawerName "WwFiles")
(set #WwFiltersName "Filters")
(set #WwPictureFiltersName "Pictures")
(set #WwFontsName "WwFonts")
(set #WwAgfaName "Intellifont")
(set #WwPSName "PostScript")
(set #WwTTName "TrueType")
(set #WwUFSTName "UFST")
(set #WwHDHelpName "Help")
(set #DocsName "Documents")
(set #TemplatesName "Templates")
(set #ClipartName "ClipArt")
(set #SpellName "Spell")
(set #WwToolsDrawerName "WwTools")
(set #BulletOutlinesDest "Fonts:_bullet_outlines")
(set #LocaleName "Locale")
(set #WwDevsDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":Devs"))
(set #WwPrefsDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":Prefs"))
(set #WwEnvArcDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":Prefs/Env-Archive"))
(set #WwEnvArcSysDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":Prefs/Env-Archive/sys"))
(set #WwSDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":s"))
(set #WwToolDest (cat #NewWwDiskname ":Wordworth"))
(set #DocsTool "DOCS")
(set #ClipartTool "CLIPART")
(set #DeviceTool "DEVICE")
(set #FiltersTool "FILTERS")
(set #ModulesTool "MODULES")
(set #HelpTool "HELP")
(set #CatalogsTool "CATALOGS")
(set #WwFilesTool "WWFILES")
(set #WwSpellLibTool "WWSPELLLIB")
(set #WwSystemTool "WWSYSTEM")
(set #DocDefaultTool "Wordworth")
(set #OldUserDictName "User_Dictionary")
(set #OldAutoCorrectName "AutoCorrect.txt")
(set #TempUserDictName "User_Dictionary.Temp")
(set #TempAutoCorrectName "AutoCorrect.txt.Temp")
;** Various Strings
(set #ProgName (cat (cat #ProductName " ") #ProductVersion))
(set #Welcome-Help
(cat "\nIf you have any problems with installing, please use the "
"\"Help\" buttons on the installer and read the appropriate sections "
"of the manual.\nIf your problems persist, you can get Technical "
"Support as explained in your 'Wordworth Instruction Book'."
(set #BadKick
(cat #ProgName " requires Workbench 2.04 or above to work correctly."
(set #BadASL
(cat #ProgName " requires version 38 of the ASL.Library or above to work correctly."
(set #BadDiskFont
(cat #ProgName " requires version 37 of the diskfont.Library or above to work correctly."
(set #BadASLandDiskFont
(cat #ProgName " requires version 38 of the ASL.Library and version 37 of the "
"diskfont.Library or above to work correctly."
(set #ReBoot
(cat "After this installation has finished please reset your computer "
"before running " #ProgName "."
(set #FloppyWorkingMsg
(cat "\n\n\nPlease wait...\n\n" #ProgName " is being installed to your floppy disks."
(set #HardDiskWorkingMsg
(cat "\n\n\nPlease wait...\n\n" #ProgName " is being installed to your hard disk."
(set #FormatWorkingMsg
(cat "Please wait... Formatting a disk."
(set #FloppyFinishedMsg
(cat "\nAfter clicking the 'Proceed' button, place the \"" #NewWwDiskName
"\" disk in the internal disk drive and reset your Amiga.\n"
(set #CheckStartup
(cat "\n\n\nPlease wait...\n\nThe installer is just checking your system."
(set #DearchivingMsg
(cat "\n\n\nPlease wait..."
;** Disk Messages
(set #FloppyBackupsMsg
(cat "\nIMPORTANT\n\nThe installer will now create your " #ProgName
" disks.\n\nTo keep disk changes to a minimum, if you "
"have more than one disk drive, place the newly created disks "
"('" #NewWwDiskName "' for example) into the internal disk "
"drive when prompted, and place the Wordworth install disks "
"(`" #Install1Disk "' for example) into the external disk drive."
(set #BlankDiskWarning
(cat "\nPlease insert a 'blank' disk in the internal\n"
"disk drive and click \"Proceed\" when ready."
"\n\nWARNING: This procedure will destroy all information "
"that may already be on the disk."
(set #FloppyWarningHelp
(cat "\nThis procedure uses the 'format' command to "
"wipe and prepare the disk in the internal disk drive "
"for use with Wordworth."
"\n\nWrite-protect your master disks before making "
"backup copies and place the masters in a safe place."
"\n\nYou should also write-protect your backup disks "
"before clicking the \"Proceed\" button."
(set #NotBlankMsg1
(cat "\nYou have the \""
(set #NotBlankMsg2
(cat "\" disk in your internal disk drive.\n\nPlease "
"replace this disk with a blank one, before "
"clicking the \"Proceed\" button."
(set #FormatError
(cat "\nAn error occured when trying to format this disk.\n\n"
"Please ensure that the disk is in the disk drive "
"before you click the \"Proceed\" button or "
"put another disk in the drive and try again."
(set #FormatErrorHelp
(cat "\nAn error has occured during the formatting of "
"your disk. This could be for many reasons, but more "
"commonly, either the disk was corrupt or the drive was "
"faulty.\nPlease try a different disk, check the drive "
"and then if the problem persists, contact the Technical "
"Support Department. Information on how to get Support is "
"explained in the manual."
(set #FormatCompleteMsg1
(cat " created.\n\nPlease take out the disk "
"in the internal disk drive and label it \""
(set #FormatCompleteMsg2
(cat "\", then click the \"Proceed\""
" button."
(set #FormatCompleteMsgLast
(cat "\". Click the \"Proceed\" button to continue."
(set #InsertDiskMsg
(cat "\nPlease insert the disk labelled\n\n"
;** Install Stuff
(set #DestChoicePrompt
(cat "\n\n\nWhere would you like to install " #ProgName "?"
(set #DestChoicePrinterPrompt
(cat "\n\n\nWhere have you installed " #ProgName "?"
(set #FloppyChoiceMsg
(cat "On floppy disks"
(set #HardDiskChoiceMsg
(cat "On a hard disk"
(set #DestChoiceHelp
(cat "\nSelect the radio button \"On a hard disk\" to "
"install " #ProgName " onto your hard disk.\n\n"
"Select the radio button \"On floppy disks\" to "
"install " #ProgName " onto a set of backup disks.\n\n\n"
(set #DestChoicePrinterHelp
(cat "\nSelect the radio button \"On a hard disk\" if "
"you installed " #ProgName " onto your hard disk.\n\n"
"Select the radio button \"On floppy disks\" if you "
"installed " #ProgName " onto a set of blank disks.\n\n\n"
;** Other strings
(set #Unpackmsg1 "Unarchiving ")
(set #Unpackmsg2 " to ")
(set #Unpackmsg3 "\n\nPlease wait...")
(set #Unpackmsg4 "Please wait...\n\nUnarchiving files.")
(set #DearchiveModulesmsg "Dearchiving and Installing Modules")
(set #DearchiveFontmsg "Dearchiving and Installing Font Support\n\n")
(set #DearchiveGfxmsg "Dearchiving and Installing GFX Filters")
(set #DearchivingSpellmsg "Installing Spell Checker")
(set #DearchiveThesmsg "Installing Thesaurus")
(set #InstallMinmsg "Installing Minimum Configuration")
(set #InstallOthermsg "Installing All Modules")
(set #DeleteOldmsg "Please wait...\n\nRemoving old Wordworth.")
(set #Creatingmsg "Creating Disk ")
(set #WorkingPrintermsg "Please wait...\n\nInstalling Printer.")
(set #FormatChoiceprompt
(cat "\nWordworth needs to format and name " NumNewWwDisks " disks during installation. "
"For more information click 'Help'. Do you wish to:"
(set #FormatChoicemsg1 "Slow Format Some Blank Disks")
(set #FormatChoicemsg2 "Quick Format Some Blank Disks")
(set #FormatChoice-Help
(cat "This installation utility needs to prepare " NumNewWwDisks" disks before installing "
#ProgName ". Before each disk is created, it will be formatted and named. "
"\n\nChoose '" #FormatChoicemsg1 "' if you wish to perform a full format, or \nchoose "
"'" #FormatChoicemsg2 "' to perform a quick format on disks that must have been "
"previously formatted as Fast File System disks."
(set #Installingmsg1 (cat "Please wait...\n\nInstalling " #ProgName))
(set #InstallBOPrompt
(cat "\nDo you wish to install your Workbench compugraphic fonts "
"for use with " #ProgName " ?"
(set #InstallBOChoice1 "Yes")
(set #InstallBOChoice2 "No")
(set #InstallBOPrompt-Help
(cat "\nYou may have compugraphic fonts in the 'bullet_outlines' drawer "
"in your Workbench partition.\n\nIf you choose '" #InstallBOChoice1
"' then " #ProgName " will allow you to use any fonts you have in this drawer."
"\nChoose '" #InstallBOChoice2 "' if you do not want to install these fonts."
(set #BadBoot
(cat "You must turn on your machine with the \"" #Install1Disk
"\" disk in the internal drive before installing or running "
#ProgName "."
(set #Wwdiskhelp
(cat "\nIf you know that the correct disk is in the drive, but you "
"still cannot proceed, then the name of the disk is incorrect.\n"
"The name of this disk should be \""#NewWwDiskName "\" with no "
"blank spaces before, after or within the name.\n\n"
"To rename the disk correctly, select the disk icon (the graphic "
"that appears on the Workbench screen when the disk is inserted), choose "
"the Rename command from the Workbench Icons menu, delete the contents "
"of the text gadget and type \"" #NewWwDiskName "\"."
(set #diskhelp
(cat "\nIf you know that the correct disk is in the drive, but you still cannot proceed, "
"then the name of the disk is incorrect.\n"
"Ensure that the disk name is not preceded by 'copy_of_', or blank spaces before or after the disk name.\n\n\n" @askdisk-help
(set #HardDiskDestChoiceMsg
(cat "Where do you want to install the\n" #ProgName " drawer?"
(set #InstallASLChoice1 "Yes - Replace it")
(set #InstallASLChoice2 "No")
(set #InstallAGChoice1 "Yes - Replace it")
(set #InstallAGChoice2 "No")
(set #InstallDiskFontChoice1 "Yes - Replace it")
(set #InstallDiskFontChoice2 "No")
(set #OldASLLibraryMsg
(cat "You may have an old version of the ASL.library.\n\n"
#ProgName " requires you have at least version 38 of this "
"library. Do you want to replace your ASL.library with version 38 ?"
(set #OldASLLibraryHelp
(cat #ProgName " will not work properly unless you have at least version 38 "
"of the ASL.library (Workbench 2.1 or above).\n\n"
"Choose \"" #InstallASLChoice1 "\" to replace your version with version 38 "
"and then install " #ProgName ".\nChoose \"" #InstallASLChoice2 "\" to not install "
"version 38 and to quit this installation utility."
(set #OldAmigaGuideLibraryMsg
(cat "You may have an old version of the amigaguide.library.\n\n"
#ProgName " requires you have at least version 34.11 of this "
"library.\nDo you want to replace your amigaguide.library with version 34.11 ?"
(set #OldAmigaGuideLibraryHelp
(cat #ProgName " will not work properly unless you have at least version 34.11 "
"of the amigaguide.library (Workbench 2.1 or above).\n\n"
"Choose \"" #InstallASLChoice1 "\" to replace your version with version 34.11 "
"and then install " #ProgName ".\nChoose \"" #InstallASLChoice2 "\" to not install "
"version 34.11 and to quit this installation utility."
(set #OldDiskFontLibraryMsg
(cat "You may have an old version of the DiskFont.library.\n\n"
#ProgName " requires you have at least version 37 of this "
"library. Do you want to replace your DiskFont.library with version 37 ?"
(set #OldDiskFontLibraryHelp
(cat #ProgName " will not work properly unless you have at least version 37 "
"of the DiskFont.library (Workbench 2.1 or above).\n\n"
"Choose \"" #InstallDiskFontChoice1 "\" to replace your version with version 37 "
"and then install " #ProgName ".\nChoose \"" #InstallDiskFontChoice2 "\" to not install "
"version 37 and to quit this installation utility."
(set #HDLibsDestChoiceMsg1
(cat "Where do you want to install the Digita font libraries ?"
(set #HDLibsDestChoiceMsg2
(cat "Where have you installed the Digita font libraries ?"
(set #HardDiskDestChoiceHelp
(cat "Select the drawer where you want to install " #ProgName
", then click Proceed (a new drawer titled \"" #DrawerName
"\" will be created and will contain the " #ProgName " program.)"
(set #HDLibsDestChoiceHelp
(cat "Select the drawer where you want to install "
"the Digita font libraries"
", then click Proceed (the default is 'Libs:').\n"
" If the destination is not 'Libs:' then the chosen "
"destination must be added to the 'Libs:' path."
(set #HardDiskDestChoiceConfirmMsg1
(cat "\nAre you sure you want to install " #ProgName " in the "
(set #HardDiskDestChoiceConfirmMsg2
(cat "\"\n\n\n\n(A new drawer titled \"" #DrawerName "\" will be "
"created and this will contain the " #ProgName " program.)"
(set #HardDiskDestChoiceConfirmHelp
(cat "Click YES to keep the destination drawer.\n\nClick NO "
"if you want to change the destination drawer."
(set #DrawerExistsMsg
(cat "\nA drawer titled \"" #DrawerName "\" already exists in "
"the destination you have chosen.\n\nDo you wish to replace it "
"or choose a new destination?\n\n"
(set #DrawerExistsChoice1 "Replace it")
(set #DrawerExistsChoice2 "Choose new destination")
(set #DrawerExistsHelp
(cat "\nYou have chosen a destination drawer which already has \""
#DrawerName "\" installed there.\n\nClick \""
#DrawerExistsChoice1 "\" to replace the contents with this new version "
"of " #ProgName ".\nClick \"" #DrawerExistsChoice2 "\" to choose a "
"new destination drawer.\n\n"
"If you choose \"" #DrawerExistsChoice1 "\" then please make sure you "
"have back up copies of any documents you wish to keep."
(set #NoDiskSpaceMsg1
(cat "\nThere is insufficient available space on your hard disk to install "
#ProgName ". You will need a minimum of "
(set #NoDiskSpaceMsg2
(cat "MB of free disk space.\n\nEither click \"Abort Install\" to exit this "
"installation and delete some files from your hard disk, or click \"Proceed\" and try a "
"different partition."
(set #NoLibSpaceMsg1
(cat "\nThere is insufficient available space in '"
(set #NoLibSpaceMsg2
(cat "' to install the " #ProgName " libraries. You have "
(set #NoLibSpaceMsg3a
(cat "K free but will need a minimum of "
(set #NoLibSpaceMsg3b
(cat "K of free disk space.\n\nEither click \"Abort Install\" to exit this "
"installation and delete some files from your hard disk, or click \"Proceed\" to try a "
"different partition."
(set #LibAbortMsg1
(cat "There is insufficient space in your System partition on your hard disk to install the "
#ProgName " libraries. You have "
(set #LibAbortMsg2
(cat "K free but need a minimum of "
(set #LibAbortMsg3
(cat "K of free disk space. "
"Please make space free by deleting some files and try to "
"install again or contact Digita technical support."
(set #ArchiveAbortMsg1
(cat "There was a problem when trying to dearchive `"
(set #ArchiveAbortMsg2
(cat "', please try installing again. If you have a hard disk, try a "
"different drawer or partition.\nIf problems persist consult the "
"Help file and Instruction Book before contacting Digita Technical "
(set #AskEnvArc
(cat "\nIn which disk or drawer should the environment settings "
"(ENVARC:) be saved?"
(set #AskEnvArcHelp
(cat "\nThis section lets you choose in which drawer, or on which disk, "
#ProgName " places its enviroment settings.\n\nThese should normally go "
"in the \"ENVARC:\" directory of your system disk or partition.\n\n"
(set #AskEnvArcStartup
(cat "\nYour system startup sequence did not contain an assign for "
"ENVARC:. Do you wish to add this assign to \"S:User-Startup\"?"
(set #AskEnvArcStartupHelp
(cat "\nSelect YES to add assign to the user-startup file\n\n" @startup-help
(set #AskEnvStartup
(cat "\nYour system startup sequence did not contain an assign for "
"ENV:. Do you wish to add this assign to \"S:User-Startup\"?"
(set #AskEnvStartupHelp
(cat "\nSelect YES to add assign to the user-startup file\n\n" @startup-help
(set #DriverUsedmsg1
(cat "\n\nThe standard Workbench printer driver for the printer you chose, `"
(set #DriverUsedmsg2
(cat "', has been installed."
(set #InstallingFontsmsg "Please Wait...\n\nInstalling Fonts.")
(set #InstallOldWordworthFontsmsg
(cat "\nFor information on how to use your existing Agfa fonts with "
#ProgName ", please refer to the 'How To' section "
"of the " #ProgName " help."
(set #InstallationCompletemsg "\nPrinter Installation Complete!\n")
;** Set up Destinations
(Procedure @SetUpDestinationsHD
(set #InsideHDDest (tackon #DestDrawer #DrawerName))
(set #HDModulesDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #ModulesName))
(set #HDModDisDest (tackon #HDModulesDest #ModDisName))
(set #HDCatalogsLangDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #WwCatalogsName))
(set #HDCatalogsDest (tackon #HDCatalogsLangDest Language))
(set #HDWwFiles1Dest (tackon #InsideHDDest #WwFilesDrawerName))
(set #HDWwFiles2Dest (tackon #InsideHDDest #WwFilesDrawerName))
(set #HDWwFiles3Dest (tackon #InsideHDDest #WwFilesDrawerName))
(set #HDWwFiltersDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #WwFiltersName))
(set #HDWwPictureFiltersDest (tackon #HDWwFiltersDest #WwPictureFiltersName))
(set #HDWwFontsDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #WwFontsName))
(set #HDWwAgfaDest (tackon #HDWwFontsDest #WwAgfaName))
(set #HDWwPSDest (tackon #HDWwFontsDest #WwPSName))
(set #HDWwTTDest (tackon #HDWwFontsDest #WwTTName))
(set #HDWwUFSTDest (tackon #HDWwFontsDest #WwUFSTName))
(set #HDWwHelpDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #WwHDHelpName))
(set #HDDocsDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #DocsName))
(set #HDTemplatesDest (tackon #HDDocsDest #TemplatesName))
(set #HDClipartDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #ClipartName))
(set #HDDictDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #SpellName))
(set #HDThesDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #SpellName))
(set #HDWwToolsDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #WwToolsDrawerName))
;** define all hard disk destinations
(Procedure @SetHardDiskDestinations
(set #ModulesDest #HDModulesDest)
(set #ModDisDest #HDModDisDest)
(set #CatalogsLangDest #HDCatalogsLangDest)
(set #CatalogsDest #HDCatalogsDest)
(set #WwFiles1Dest #HDWwFiles1Dest)
(set #WwFiles2Dest #HDWwFiles1Dest)
(set #WwFiles3Dest #HDWwFiles1Dest)
(set #WwFiltersDest #HDWwFiltersDest)
(set #WwPictureFiltersDest #HDWwPictureFiltersDest)
(set #WwFontsDest #HDWwFontsDest)
(set #WwAgfaDest #HDWwAgfaDest)
(set #WwPSDest #HDWwPSDest)
(set #WwTTDest #HDWwTTDest)
(set #WwUFSTDest #HDWwUFSTDest)
(set #WwHelpDest #HDWwHelpDest)
(set #DocsDest #HDDocsDest)
(set #TemplatesDest #HDTemplatesDest)
(set #ClipartDest #HDClipartDest)
(set #DictDest #HDDictDest)
(set #ThesDest #HDThesDest)
(set #WwToolsDest #HDWwToolsDest)
;** define all floppy disk destinations
(Procedure @SetFloppyDiskDestinations
(set #LocaleDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":" #LocaleName))
(set #ModulesDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":" #ModulesName))
(set #ModDisDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":" #ModulesName "/" #ModDisName))
(set #CatalogsLangDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":" #WwCatalogsName))
(set #CatalogsDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":" #WwCatalogsName "/" Language))
(set #LibsDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":" #LibsDefault))
(set #SysFontsDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":" #SystemFontsDest))
(set #WwFilesDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":" #WwFilesDrawerName))
(set #WwFiles2Dest (cat #NewWwSysDiskName ":" #WwFilesDrawerName))
(set #WwFilterLibDest (cat #NewWwOutlinesDiskName ":" #WwFilesDrawerName))
(set #WwFiltersDest (cat #NewWwOutlinesDiskName ":" #WwFiltersName))
(set #WwPictureFiltersDest (cat #NewWwOutlinesDiskName ":" #WwFiltersName "/" #WwPictureFiltersName))
(set #WwFontsDest (cat #NewWwOutlinesDiskName ":" #WwFontsName))
(set #WwFontsDestOutlines (cat #NewWwOutlinesDiskName ":" #WwFontsName))
(set #WwAgfaDest (cat #NewWwOutlinesDiskName ":" #WwFontsName "/" #WwAgfaName))
(set #WwPSDest (cat #NewWwOutlinesDiskName ":" #WwFontsName "/" #WwPSName))
(set #WwTTDest (cat #NewWwOutlinesDiskName ":" #WwFontsName "/" #WwTTName))
(set #WwUFSTDest (cat #NewWwOutlinesDiskName ":" #WwFontsName "/" #WwUFSTName))
(set #DocsDest (cat #NewWwOutlinesDiskName ":" #DocsName))
(set #TemplatesDest (cat #DocsDest "/" #TemplatesName))
(set #ClipartDest (cat #NewWwSysDiskName ":" #ClipartName))
(set #DictDest (cat #NewWwDictDiskname ":" #SpellName))
(set #ThesDest (cat #NewWwDictDiskname ":" #SpellName))
(set #WwToolsDest (cat #NewWwSysDiskName ":" #WwToolsDrawerName))
(set #WwHelpDest (cat #NewWwOutlinesDiskname ":" #WwHDHelpName))
;** Procedure to copy 'Unpackfile' archive to RAM:Archives
(procedure @CopyArchives
(source UnpackFileDisk)
(dest "RAM:Archives")
;** Procedure to decompress file set in 'UnpackFile' to 'UnpackDest'
(procedure @UnpackFiles
(working #Unpackmsg1 UnpackFile #Unpackmsg2 UnpackDest #Unpackmsg3)
(set ExpandName UnpackFile)
(set #ArchiveError 0)
(set RunLHA
(cat "LHA -m e \"" ExpandName "\" \"" UnpackDest "\"")
(set #ArchiveError (run RunLHA))
(if (> #ArchiveError 0)
(set #ArchiveAbortMsg (cat #ArchiveAbortMsg1 ExpandName #ArchiveAbortMsg2))
(abort #ArchiveAbortMsg)
;** Procedure to Check if Wordworth already exists in destination
;** Replace or choose again if so
(procedure @CheckExistsAlready
(if (exists (tackon #DestDrawer #DrawerName)) ; if there is already a drawer named Wordworth3
(set ChooseAgainAnswer
(prompt #DrawerExistsMsg)
(choices #DrawerExistsChoice1 #DrawerExistsChoice2)
(help #DrawerExistsHelp)
(default 1)
(if (= ChooseAgainAnswer 0)
(set WwNotExists 0)
(set WwNotExists 1)
(set WwNotExists 1)
;** Procedure to choose the hard disk destination
(procedure @FindHDDest
(set WwNotExists 0)
(while (= WwNotExists 0)
(while (< (getdiskspace #DestDrawer) HDSpaceNeededBytes)
(if (< (getdiskspace #DestDrawer) HDSpaceNeededBytes)
(if (= @user-level 0)
(user 2)
(set #UserNovice 1)
(message #NoDiskSpaceMsg1 (/ (/ HDSpaceNeededBytes 1024) 1024) #NoDiskSpaceMsg2)
) ;end while
);end while
(if (= #UserNovice 1)
(user 0)
(procedure @ChooseHDDest
;** Find default drawer
(set #DefaultDest (getassign "Work" "d"))
(if (= #DefaultDest "")
(set #DefaultDest (getassign "HD3" "d"))
(if (= #DefaultDest "")
(set #DefaultDest (getassign "HD2" "d"))
(if (= #DefaultDest "")
(set #DefaultDest (getassign "HD1" "d"))
(if (= #DefaultDest "")
(set #DefaultDest (getassign "DH1" "d"))
(if (= #DefaultDest "")
(set #DefaultDest (getassign "HD0" "d"))
(if (= #DefaultDest "")
(set #DefaultDest "DH0:")
(if (= #UserNovice 1)
(user 2)
;** Ask for destination
(set #DestDrawer
(prompt #HardDiskDestChoiceMsg)
(help #HardDiskDestChoiceHelp)
(default #DefaultDest)
(if (= #UserNovice 1)
(user 0)
;** Create all Ww drawers in #DestDrawer and set paths to them
(procedure @CreateDrawers
(set #InsideHDDest (tackon #DestDrawer #DrawerName))
;** Make the Wordworth drawer
(makedir #InsideHDDest (infos))
;** Make the Modules drawer
(set #HDModulesDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #ModulesName))
(makedir #HDModulesDest (infos))
;** Make the Modules Disabled drawer
(set #HDModDisDest (tackon #HDModulesDest #ModDisName))
(makedir #HDModDisDest (infos))
;** Make the Catalogs drawer
(set #HDCatalogsLangDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #WwCatalogsName))
(makedir #HDCatalogsLangDest)
;** Make the language drawer
(set #HDCatalogsDest (tackon #HDCatalogsLangDest Language))
(makedir #HDCatalogsDest)
;** Make the WwFiles drawer (just do once for #WwFilesDrawerName)
(set #HDWwFiles1Dest (tackon #InsideHDDest #WwFilesDrawerName))
(makedir #HDWwFiles1Dest)
;** Make the Filters drawer
(set #HDWwFiltersDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #WwFiltersName))
(makedir #HDWwFiltersDest)
;** Make Picture Filters drawer
(set #HDWwPictureFiltersDest (tackon #HDWwFiltersDest #WwPictureFiltersName))
(makedir #HDWwPictureFiltersDest)
;** Make the WwFonts drawer
(set #HDWwFontsDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #WwFontsName))
(makedir #HDWwFontsDest (infos))
;** Make the Agfa drawer
(set #HDWwAgfaDest (tackon #HDWwFontsDest #WwAgfaName))
(makedir #HDWwAgfaDest (infos))
;** Make the PS drawer
(set #HDWwPSDest (tackon #HDWwFontsDest #WwPSName))
(makedir #HDWwPSDest)
;** Make the TT drawer
(set #HDWwTTDest (tackon #HDWwFontsDest #WwTTName))
(makedir #HDWwTTDest)
;** Make the UFST drawer
(set #HDWwUFSTDest (tackon #HDWwFontsDest #WwUFSTName))
(makedir #HDWwUFSTDest)
;** Make the WwHelp drawer
(set #HDWwHelpDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #WwHDHelpName))
(makedir #HDWwHelpDest)
;** Make the Docs drawer
(set #HDDocsDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #DocsName))
(makedir #HDDocsDest (infos))
;** Make the Templates drawer
(set #HDTemplatesDest (tackon #HDDocsDest #TemplatesName))
(makedir #HDTemplatesDest (infos))
;** Make the Clipart drawer
(set #HDClipartDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #ClipartName))
(makedir #HDClipartDest (infos))
;** Make the Spell drawer
(set #HDDictDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #SpellName))
(makedir #HDDictDest)
(set #HDThesDest #HDDictDest)
;** Make the WwTools drawer
(set #HDWwToolsDest (tackon #InsideHDDest #WwToolsDrawerName))
(makedir #HDWwToolsDest (infos))
(complete 10)
;** Procedure to dearchive basic prog files (like WwFiles & program)
(procedure @DearchiveProgFiles1
(working #DearchivingMsg)
(set #FileSourceName #WordworthSourceName)
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install1Disk)
(set UnpackFile #FileSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #InsideHDDest "/"))
(set UnpackFile #WwFiles1SourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwFiles1Dest "/"))
(set UnpackFile #WwFiles3SourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwFiles3Dest "/"))
(set UnpackFile #CatalogsSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #CatalogsDest "/"))
;** Procedure to dearchive second set of basic files from disk 2
(procedure @DearchiveProgFiles2
(set #FileSourceName #WwprogSourceName)
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install2Disk)
(set UnpackFile #FileSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #InsideHDDest "/"))
(set UnpackFile #WwFiles2SourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwFiles2Dest "/"))
(set UnpackFile #WwHelpSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwHelpDest "/"))
;** Dearchive Filter library
(procedure @DearchiveFilterLibrary
(set #FileSourceName #FiltersSourceName)
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install2Disk)
(set UnPackFile #FileSourceName)
(set UnPackDest (cat #WwFiles3Dest "/"))
;** Procedure to dearchive Custom modules to hard disk
(procedure @DearchiveCustomModulesHD
(set #HDLibsDestChoiceMsg #HDLibsDestChoiceMsg1)
(complete 40)
(complete 50)
(complete 65)
(complete 70)
(complete 75)
(complete 80)
;** routine to get disk specified in '#FileSourceDisk'
(procedure @GetDisk
(prompt #InsertDiskMsg #FileSourceDisk)
(help #diskhelp)
(dest #FileSourceDisk)
;** Procedure to de-archive screen fonts
(procedure @DearchiveScreenFonts
(set #Counter 0)
(while (< #Counter #NumFonts)
(set #FontName
(select #Counter
(set #CheckFont (cat #SystemFontsDest ":" #FontName))
(if (exists #CheckFont)
(protect #CheckFont "+r+w+e+d")
(set #Counter (+ #Counter 1))
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install1Disk)
(set #FileSourceName #SystemFontsSourceName)
(set UnpackFile #FileSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #SystemFontsDest ":"))
;** Procedure to de-archive amigaguide library
(procedure @DearchiveAmigaGuide
(set #FileSourceName #AmigaGuideSourceName)
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install1Disk)
(set UnpackFile #FileSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #LibsDefault ":"))
;** Procedure to de-archive and install Modules
(procedure @DearcMods
(working #DearchiveModulesmsg)
(if (= FloppyInstall 1)
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #PassModuleOptionName))
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install1Disk)
(set UnpackFile #PassModuleOptionSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #ModulesDest "/") )
;now delete it from storage if it exists
(set #ModOld (tackon #ModDisDest #PassModuleName))
(if (exists #ModOld)
(delete #ModOld
(optional "force")
(delete (cat #ModOld ".info")
(optional "force")
(if (= FloppyInstall 1)
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #PassModuleOptionName) (safe))
;** Procedure to pass relevant module names to be dearchived
(procedure @DearchiveModules
(working #DearchiveModulesmsg)
(set #PassModuleOptionSourceName #ModuleOption1SourceName)
(set #PassModuleName #Module1Name)
(set #PassModuleOptionName #ModuleOption1Name)
(set #PassModuleOptionSourceName #ModuleOption2SourceName)
(set #PassModuleName #Module2Name)
(set #PassModuleOptionName #ModuleOption2Name)
(set #PassModuleOptionSourceName #ModuleOption3SourceName)
(set #PassModuleName #Module3Name)
(set #PassModuleOptionName #ModuleOption3Name)
;** get lib destination
(procedure @GetLibDest
(if (= @user-level 2)
;** Ask for destination
(set #LibsDest
(prompt #HDLibsDestChoiceMsg)
(help #HDLibsDestChoiceHelp)
(default LibsPath)
(set #LibsDest LibsPath)
) ;end if
;** Procedure to check Libs destination
(procedure @CheckLibsDest
(set LibsPath (expandpath (cat #LibsDefault ":")))
(set SystemSpace TotalFontLibSpace)
(while (< (getdiskspace #LibsDest) SystemSpace)
(set #LibsDestSpace (getdiskspace #LibsDest))
(if (= @user-level 2)
(if (< #LibsDestSpace SystemSpace)
(message #NoLibSpaceMsg1 #LibsDest
#NoLibSpaceMsg2 (/ #LibsDestSpace 1024) #NoLibSpaceMsg3a
(/ SystemSpace 1024) #NoLibSpaceMsg3b
(abort #LibAbortMsg1 (/ #LibsDestSpace 1024)
#LibAbortMsg2 (/ SystemSpace 1024) #LibAbortMsg3
); endif
) ;end while
;** Procedure to de-archive and install Font Support
(procedure @DearchiveFontSupport
(working #DearchiveFontmsg)
(set n 0)
;delete old small digita libraries
(if (exists (cat #LibsDest "/" #IFlibraryName))
(delete (cat #LibsDest "/" #IFlibraryName)
(optional "force")
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install1Disk)
(set UnpackFile #FontType1SourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #LibsDest "/") )
(set #FileSourceName #UFSTSourceName)
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install2Disk)
(set UnpackFile #FileSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwUFSTDest "/"))
(set UnpackFile #IntelliSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwAgfaDest "/"))
(set UnpackFile #WwToolsSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwToolsDest "/"))
(source (cat #Install2Disk ":Utils")) ;Copy install font scripts
(dest "RAM:") ;to RAM for later on
(pattern "FontScript#?")
(optional "force")
(source #WwToolsDest) ;Copy `InstallOutlines'
(dest "RAM:") ;to RAM for later on
(pattern "InstallOutlines")
(optional "nofail")
;** Procedure to de-archive and install GFX Filters
(procedure @DearchiveGFXFilters
(if (= FloppyInstall 1)
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #GfxFilter1Name))
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install2Disk)
(set UnpackFile #GfxFilter1SourceName)
(working #DearchivingGfxMsg)
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwPictureFiltersDest "/") )
(if (= FloppyInstall 1)
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #GfxFilter1Name) (safe))
(procedure @DearchiveTutorials
(if (= FloppyInstall 1)
(set #FileSourceName (cat "RAM:Archives/" #CustomExtras1Name))
(set #FileSourceName #CustomExtras1SourceName)
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install2Disk)
(working #DearchivingMsg)
(set UnpackFile #FileSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #DocsDest "/" ))
(if (= FloppyInstall 0)
;set default tool type to hard disk dest, for all documents
(foreach #DocsDest "#?"
(dest (cat #DocsDest "/" @each-name))
(setdefaulttool (cat #InsideHDDest "/" #DocDefaultTool))
); end foreach
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #CustomExtras1Name) (safe))
(procedure @DearchiveTemplates
(if (= FloppyInstall 1)
(set #FileSourceName (cat "RAM:Archives/" #CustomExtras2Name))
(set #FileSourceName #CustomExtras2SourceName)
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install2Disk)
(working #DearchivingMsg)
(set UnpackFile #FileSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #TemplatesDest "/" ))
(if (= FloppyInstall 1)
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #CustomExtras2Name) (safe))
(procedure @DearchiveClipArt
(if (= FloppyInstall 1)
(set #FileSourceName (cat "RAM:Archives/" #CustomExtras3Name))
(set #FileSourceName #CustomExtras3SourceName)
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install2Disk)
(set UnpackFile #FileSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #ClipartDest "/" ))
(if (= FloppyInstall 1)
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #CustomExtras3Name) (safe))
;** Procedure to de-archive and install Extras
(procedure @DearchiveExtras
;** Install Spell files
(procedure @DearchiveSpell
(if (= FloppyInstall 1)
(set #FileSourceName (cat "RAM:Archives/" #DictionaryName))
(set #FileSourceName #DictionarySourceName)
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install3Disk)
(working #DearchivingSpellmsg)
(set UnpackFile #FileSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #DictDest "/" ))
(if (= FloppyInstall 1)
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #DictionaryName) (safe))
;** Install Thes files
(procedure @DearchiveThes
(if (= FloppyInstall 1)
(set #FileSourceName (cat "RAM:Archives/" #ThesaurusName))
(set #FileSourceName #ThesaurusSourceName)
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install3Disk)
(working #DearchivingThesmsg)
(set UnpackFile #FileSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #ThesDest "/" ))
(if (= FloppyInstall 1)
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #ThesaurusName) (safe))
;** Routine to preserve text files (Librarian, UserDictionary, AutoCorrect)
(procedure @PreserveTextFiles
(if (exists (tackon #InsideHDDest #OldAutoCorrectName))
(set #OldAutoCorrect (tackon #InsideHDDest #OldAutoCorrectName))
(set #TempAutoCorrect (cat #InsideHDDest "/" #TempAutoCorrectName))
(rename #OldAutoCorrect #TempAutoCorrect)
(if (exists (tackon #HDDictDest #OldUserDictName))
(set #OldUserDict (tackon #HDDictDest #OldUserDictName))
(set #TempUserDict (tackon #HDDictDest #TempUserDictName))
(rename #OldUserDict #TempUserDict)
(set #TextPreservedFlag 1)
;** Routine to retrieve old text files
(procedure @RetrieveOldTextFiles
(if (exists (tackon #InsideHDDest #TempAutoCorrectName))
(set #OldAutoCorrect (tackon #InsideHDDest #OldAutoCorrectName))
(set #TempAutoCorrect (cat #InsideHDDest "/" #TempAutoCorrectName))
(delete #OldAutoCorrect
(optional "force")
(rename #TempAutoCorrect #OldAutoCorrect)
(if (exists (tackon #HDDictDest #TempUserDictName))
(set #OldUserDict (tackon #HDDictDest #OldUserDictName))
(set #TempUserDict (cat #HDDictDest "/" #TempUserDictName))
(delete #OldUserDict
(optional "force")
(rename #TempUserDict #OldUserDict)
;** This routine will delete the modules drawer
(procedure @DeleteOldWordworth3
(working #DeleteOldmsg)
(set ChosenDrawer (tackon #DestDrawer (cat #DrawerName "/" #ModulesName)))
(set DeleteDrawer (cat "delete " ChosenDrawer " all force"))
(Run DeleteDrawer)
(procedure @CheckDisks
;** Check to make sure that none of the Wordworth disks
;** are in the internal drive before creating blank ones.
(set NumberDisks (+ NumberInstallDisks NumNewWwDisks))
(set DiskBlank 1)
(set n 0)
(until (OR (= n NumberDisks) (= DiskBlank 0))
(set #CheckDiskName
(select n
(if (= (getassign "df0" "d") (cat #CheckDiskName ":"))
( ;disk is not blank
(set DiskBlank 0)
(set n (+ n 1))
;** Format and name the disk given in #FormatDiskName
(procedure @FormatDisk
(working #FormatWorkingMsg)
(if (= FormatChoice 0)
(set FormatCheck
(run ("Format drive=df0: name=%s FFS NOICONS" #FormatDiskName))
(set FormatCheck
(run ("Format drive=df0: name=%s FFS QUICK NOICONS" #FormatDiskName))
(if (OR (> FormatCheck 0) (< FormatCheck 0))
(set NoError 1)
(set NoError 0)
(if (= NoError 0)
(if (= #FormatDiskName #NewWwDiskName)
(run "Install2.1 df0:")
(run "resident Install2.1 REMOVE")
); endif
;** routine to check disk in drive ok and format it if so
(procedure @makedisk
(set NoError 1)
(while (= NoError 1)
;** Make sure that the install disks are not in the drive
(run "Wait 6") ;Wait a bit for disk access to stop
(if (= DiskBlank 0)
(message #NotBlankMsg1 #CheckDiskName #NotBlankMsg2)
;** Else for each disk in turn, Format it
(set #FormatDiskName
(select x
(set NoError 1)
(if (= NoError 0)
(set x (+ x 1))
(message #FormatError (help #FormatErrorHelp))
(working #FloppyWorkingMsg)
;** routine to make disk 1 (WordworthLite)
(procedure @CreateDisk1
;** USE INSTALL DISK 1 and copy archives to RAM:
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install1Disk)
(makedir "RAM:Archives")
(set UnpackFileDisk (cat #Install1Disk ":Archive"))
(if (OR (= @language "français") (= @language "deutsch"))
(source (cat #Install1Disk ":" #LocaleName))
(dest (cat "RAM:" #LocaleName))
(optional "force")
;** delete the utilities.catalog 'cos it's not needed on floppy
(cat "RAM:" #LocaleName "/catalogs/" Language "/sys/utilities.catalog")
(optional "force")
(source (cat #Install1Disk ":Libs"))
(dest "RAM:Libs")
(optional "force")
(source (cat #Install1Disk ":Devs")) ;copy devs from install disk
(dest "RAM:Devs")
(optional "force")
(copyfiles ;copy env-archive from install disk
(source (cat #Install1Disk ":prefs/env-archive/sys"))
(dest "RAM:env-archive")
(optional "force")
(copyfiles ;copy startup-seq
(source (cat #Install1Disk ":Archive/Boot"))
(dest "RAM:S")
(pattern "startup-sequence")
(optional "force")
(set x 0)
(message #BlankDiskWarning)
(set #FileSourceDisk #NewWwDiskName)
(working #Creatingmsg #NewWwDiskName)
(makedir #CatalogsLangDest)
(makedir #CatalogsDest)
(makedir #LibsDest)
(makedir #ModulesDest (infos))
(makedir #ModDisDest (infos))
(makedir #WwDevsDest)
(makedir #WwPrefsDest)
(makedir #WwEnvArcDest)
(makedir #WwEnvArcSysDest)
(makedir #WwSDest)
;** Now dearchive files to NewWwDisk
(if (OR (= @language "français") (= @language "deutsch"))
(makedir #LocaleDest)
(source "RAM:" #LocaleName)
(dest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":" #LocaleName))
(optional "force")
(run (cat "delete RAM:" #LocaleName " all") (safe))
(source "RAM:Libs") ;copy libs from ram
(dest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":Libs"))
(optional "force")
(run "delete RAM:Libs all" (safe))
(source "RAM:Devs") ;copy devs from ram
(dest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":Devs"))
(optional "force")
(run "delete RAM:Devs all" (safe))
(copyfiles ;copy env-archive from ram
(source "RAM:Env-Archive")
(dest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":prefs/env-archive/sys"))
(optional "force")
(run "delete RAM:Env-Archive all" (safe))
(copyfiles ;copy startup-seq from ram
(source "RAM:s")
(dest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":s"))
(pattern "startup-sequence")
(optional "force")
(run "delete RAM:S all" (safe))
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #WordworthName)) ;unpack start stub
(set UnpackDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #WordworthName) (safe))
; (set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #PrefsName)) ;unpack extra prefs
; (set UnpackDest (cat #WwEnvArcSysDest "/"))
; (@UnpackFiles)
; (run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #PrefsName) (safe))
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #AmigaGuideName));unpack amigaguide.lib
(set UnpackDest (cat #LibsDest "/"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #AmigaGuideName) (safe))
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #ASLName)) ;unpack asl
(set UnpackDest (cat #LibsDest "/"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #ASLName) (safe))
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #SystemFontsName)) ;unpack sysfonts
(set UnpackDest (cat #SysFontsDest "/"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #SystemFontsName) (safe))
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #CatalogsName)) ;unpack catalogs
(set UnpackDest (cat #CatalogsDest "/"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #CatalogsName) (safe))
(set UnpackFile "RAM:Archives/Boot/system.lzh")
(set UnpackDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":"))
(run "delete RAM:Archives/Boot/system.lzh" (safe))
(set UnpackFile "RAM:Archives/Boot/c.lzh")
(set UnpackDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":"))
(run "delete RAM:Archives/Boot/c.lzh" (safe))
(set UnpackFile "RAM:Archives/Boot/libs.lzh")
(set UnpackDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":"))
(run "delete RAM:Archives/Boot/libs.lzh" (safe))
(set UnpackFile "RAM:Archives/Boot/devs.lzh")
(set UnpackDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":"))
(run "delete RAM:Archives/Boot/devs.lzh" (safe))
(set UnpackFile "RAM:Archives/Boot/l.lzh")
(set UnpackDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":"))
(run "delete RAM:Archives/Boot/l.lzh" (safe))
(@DearchiveModules) ; Draw Tools, Picture & TxtFX
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #WwFiles1Name)) ;all WWfiles minus WWSpell.lib
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwFilesDest "/"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #WwFiles1Name) (safe))
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #WwFiles3Name)) ;toolbar icons
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwFilesDest "/"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #WwFiles3Name) (safe))
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #FontType1Name)) ;unpack Intellifont.lib
(set UnpackDest (cat #LibsDest "/"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #FontType1Name) (safe))
(dest #WwToolDest)
(settooltype #DocsTool #DocsDest)
(dest #WwToolDest)
(settooltype #ClipartTool #ClipartDest)
(dest #WwToolDest)
(settooltype #DeviceTool #Parallel)
(dest #WwToolDest)
(settooltype #FiltersTool #WwFiltersDest)
(dest #WwToolDest)
(settooltype #ModulesTool #ModulesDest)
(dest #WwToolDest)
(settooltype #HelpTool #WwHelpDest)
(dest #WwToolDest)
(settooltype #CatalogsTool #CatalogsLangDest)
(dest #WwToolDest)
(settooltype #WwFilesTool #WwFilesDest)
(dest #WwToolDest)
(settooltype #WwSpellLibTool #WwFiles2Dest)
(set #WwSystemDest (cat #NewWwSysDiskName ":"))
(dest #WwToolDest)
(settooltype #WwSystemTool #WwSystemDest)
;** Check ENVARC: for Wordworth/wwfonts, creating it if it does not exist
(set #WwEnvDrawer (cat #NewWwDiskName ":prefs/env-archive/Wordworth"))
(if (NOT (exists #WwEnvDrawer))
(makedir #WwEnvDrawer (safe))
;setup Wordworth path
( ;create 'wwfonts' variable with #WwFontsDest in it
(dest (cat #WwEnvDrawer "/WwFonts"))
(append #WwFontsDest)
;do the same for ENV:
(set #WwEnvDrawer (cat "RAM:ENV/Wordworth"))
(if (NOT (exists #WwEnvDrawer))
(makedir #WwEnvDrawer (safe))
( ;create 'WwFonts' variable with #WwFontsDest in it
(dest (cat #WwEnvDrawer "/WwFonts"))
(append #WwFontsDest)
(message (cat #FormatDiskName #FormatCompleteMsg1 #FormatDiskName #FormatCompleteMsg2))
(run "delete RAM:Archives/#? force")
;** routine to make disk 2 (Ww3System)
(procedure @CreateDisk2
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install2Disk)
(set UnpackFileDisk (cat #Install2Disk ":Archive"))
(set x 1)
(message #BlankDiskWarning)
(set #FileSourceDisk #NewWwSysDiskName)
(working #Creatingmsg #NewWwSysDiskName)
(makedir #WwFiles2Dest)
(makedir #ClipartDest (infos))
(makedir #WwToolsDest (infos))
;** Now dearchive files to NewWwSysDisk
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #WwProgName)) ;WWProg tool
(set UnpackDest (cat #NewWWSysDiskName ":"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #WwProgName))
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #WwFiles2Name)) ;WWSpell.library
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwFiles2Dest "/"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #WwFiles2Name))
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #WwToolsName)) ;WwTools stuff
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwToolsDest "/"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #WwToolsName))
(message (cat #FormatDiskName #FormatCompleteMsg1 #FormatDiskName #FormatCompleteMsg2))
; (run "delete RAM:Archives/#? force")
;** routine to make disk 3 (Ww3Outlines)
(procedure @CreateDisk3
(set x 2)
(message #BlankDiskWarning)
(set #FileSourceDisk #NewWwOutlinesDiskName)
(working #Creatingmsg #NewWwOutlinesDiskName)
(makedir #WwFontsDestOutlines (infos))
(makedir #DocsDest (infos))
(makedir #TemplatesDest (infos))
(makedir #WwFontsDest)
(makedir #WwAgfaDest (infos))
(makedir #WwPSDest)
(makedir #WwTTDest)
(makedir #WwHelpDest)
(makedir #WwFiltersDest)
(makedir #WwFilterLibDest)
(makedir #WwPictureFiltersDest)
;** Now dearchive files to NewWwOutlinesDisk
(@DearchiveGfxFilters) ; Only CGM
(set UnPackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #FiltersName)) ;Filter.library
(set UnPackDest (cat #WwFilterLibDest "/"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #FiltersName) (safe))
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #WwHelpName))
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwHelpDest "/"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #WwHelpName))
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #UFSTName))
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwUFSTDest "/"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #UFSTName))
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #IntelliName))
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwAgfaDest "/"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #IntelliName))
(set UnpackFile (cat "RAM:Archives/" #FloppyOtagsName))
(set UnpackDest (cat #WwUFSTDest "/"))
(run (cat "delete RAM:Archives/" #IntelliName))
(message (cat #FormatDiskName #FormatCompleteMsg1 #FormatDiskName #FormatCompleteMsg2))
(run "delete RAM:Archives/#? force")
;** routine to make disk 4 (Ww3Spell)
(procedure @CreateDisk4
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install3Disk)
(set UnpackFileDisk (cat #Install3Disk ":Archive"))
(set x 3)
(message #BlankDiskWarning)
(set #FileSourceDisk #NewWwDictDiskName)
(working #Creatingmsg #NewWwDictDiskName)
(makedir #DictDest (infos))
;** Now dearchive files to NewWwSpellDisk
(message (cat #FormatDiskName #FormatCompleteMsg1 #FormatDiskName #FormatCompleteMsgLast))
(run "delete RAM:Archives/#? force")
;** Check that ASL library is at least version 2.1 (if not replace)
(procedure @CheckASL
(set ASLVersion (/ (getversion (cat #LibsDefault ":ASL.library")) 65536))
(if (< ASLVersion 38)
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set InstallASLLibrary
(prompt #OldASLLibraryMsg)
(choices #InstallASLChoice1 #InstallASLChoice2)
(help #OldASLLibraryHelp)
(default 1)
(if (= InstallASLLibrary 1)
(set ASLOK 1)
(set ASLOK 0)
) ;end if
(set ASLOK 1)
) ;end if
(; else
(set ASLOK 1)
) ;endif
;** Check that AmigaGuide library is at least version 34.11 (if not replace)
(procedure @CheckAmigaGuide
(set AmigaGuideVersion (/ (getversion (cat #LibsDefault ":amigaguide.library")) 65536))
(if (< AmigaGuideVersion 35)
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set InstallAmigaGuideLibrary
(prompt #OldAmigaGuideLibraryMsg)
(choices #InstallAGChoice1 #InstallAGChoice2)
(help #OldAmigaGuideLibraryHelp)
(default 1)
(if (= InstallAmigaGuideLibrary 1)
);end if
) ;end if
) ;endif
;** Procedure to install the asl library
(procedure @InstallASL
(set #FileSourceName #ASLSourceName)
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install1Disk)
(set UnpackFile #FileSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #LibsDefault ":"))
(delete (tackon UnpackDest "asl.library"))
;** Check that diskfont library is at least version 2.1 (if not replace)
(procedure @CheckDiskFont
(set InstalledDiskFont 0)
(set DiskFontVersion (/ (getversion (cat #LibsDefault ":diskfont.library")) 65536))
(if (< DiskFontVersion 37)
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set InstallDiskFontLibrary
(prompt #OldDiskFontLibraryMsg)
(choices #InstallDiskFontChoice1 #InstallDiskFontChoice2)
(help #OldDiskFontLibraryHelp)
(default 1)
(if (= InstallDiskFontLibrary 1)
(set DiskFontOK 1)
(set DiskFontOK 0)
) ;end if
(set DiskFontOK 1)
) ;end if
(; else
(set DiskFontOK 1)
) ;endif
;** Procedure to install the diskfont library
(procedure @InstallDiskFont
(set #FileSourceName #DiskFontSourceName)
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install1Disk)
(set UnpackFile #FileSourceName)
(set UnpackDest (cat #LibsDefault ":"))
(delete (tackon UnpackDest "diskfont.library"))
(set InstalledDiskFont 1)
;## Routine to install printer and fonts
(procedure @AddNewPrinter
; Copy stuff to RAM first
(prompt #InsertDiskMsg #Install3Disk)
(help #diskhelp)
(dest #Install3Disk)
(source (cat #Install3Disk ":Utils"))
(dest "RAM:")
(pattern "Writeprefs3")
(optional "nofail")
(source (cat #Install3Disk ":Utils"))
(dest "RAM:")
(pattern "select")
(optional "nofail")
(source (cat #Install3Disk ":Utils"))
(dest "RAM:")
(pattern "WwPrinterList")
(optional "nofail")
;** Delete all in #RamTempFile
(delete (cat #RamTempFile " all"))
(set ChosenDriver "Generic")
(set #DriverSource (cat #Install3Disk ":Drivers"))
(if (= FloppyInstall 1)
;** FloppyDiskDriverDest
(set #DriverDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":Devs/Printers"))
;** HardDiskDriverDest
(set #DriverDest "DEVS:Printers")
(set #CheckGeneric (cat #DriverDest "/" ChosenDriver))
(if (exists #CheckGeneric)
(protect #CheckGeneric "+r+w+e+d")
(working #WorkingPrintermsg)
(set SelectPrt
(cat "Ram:select Ram:WwPrinterList")
(run SelectPrt (safe))
(set ChosenDriver (getenv "wwDriver"))
(set TopBord (getenv "wwTop"))
(set BotBord (getenv "wwBottom"))
(set LeftBord (getenv "wwLeft"))
(set RightBord (getenv "wwRight"))
(complete 85)
(prompt #InsertDiskMsg #Install3Disk)
(help #diskhelp)
(dest #Install3Disk)
(working #WorkingPrintermsg)
(copyfiles ; copy driver to ram
(source #DriverSource)
(dest #RamTempFile)
(pattern ChosenDriver)
(optional "force")
;Now decompress Driver 'ChosenDriver' to destination '#RamTempFile'
(working #Unpackmsg4)
(set ExpandName (tackon #RamTempFile ChosenDriver))
(set #ArchiveError 0)
(set RunLHA
(cat "LHA e \"" ExpandName "\" \"" #RamTempFile "/\"")
(set #ArchiveError (run RunLHA))
(if (> #ArchiveError 0)
(set #ArchiveAbortMsg (cat #ArchiveAbortMsg1 ExpandName #ArchiveAbortMsg2))
(abort #ArchiveAbortMsg)
(delete ExpandName)
(run "List " #RamTempFile " LFORMAT %s >ENV:wwDriver")
(run "resident list REMOVE") ;remove resident List
(if (= @pretend 1)
(Run "setenv wwDriver Generic.lzh" (safe))
(set Driver (getenv "wwDriver"))
(set DriverLen (strlen Driver))
(set DriverLen (- DriverLen 1))
(set ChosenDriver
(substr Driver 0 DriverLen)
(if (= FloppyInstall 0)
;** On hard disk, copy driver to devs: now!!
(source #RamTempFile)
(dest #DriverDest)
(pattern ChosenDriver)
(optional "force")
(set #Drivermsg 1) ; Flag to display driver message at end of installation
(procedure @InstallWwFonts
(if (= #UserNovice 1)
(user 0)
(if (= #InstallationType "Wordworth")
(working #InstallingFontsmsg)
(execute "RAM:FontScript")
(delete "RAM:FontScript")
(if (exists #BulletOutlinesDest)
(set #InstallBO
(prompt #InstallBOPrompt)
(choices #InstallBOChoice1 #InstallBOChoice2)
(help #InstallBOPrompt-Help)
(default 1)
(if (= #InstallBO 1)
(working #InstallingFontsmsg)
(execute "RAM:FontScript2")
(delete "RAM:FontScript2")
); end if
(set #OldWordworthSEDrawer (cat #DestDrawer "/" #WordworthSEDrawerName))
(set #OldWordworth2Drawer (cat #DestDrawer "/" #Wordworth2DrawerName))
(if (OR (exists #OldWordworthSEDrawer) (exists #OldWordworth2Drawer))
(message #InstallOldWordworthFontsmsg)
(delete "RAM:InstallOutlines")
;** Initial Checks
;** Check OS version
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #BadKick)
(set #Drivermsg 0)
(set #InstallationType (getenv "Wordworth/install"))
(working #CheckStartup)
;** Create temp file in ram: for files
(if (not (exists #RamTempFile))
(makedir #RamTempFile (safe))
(set #EnvArcDest (getassign "ENVARC" "a"))
;** Make sure there is an Env-Archive directory and logical assign
(if (= #EnvArcDest "")
(set envdisk "SYS:Env-Archive")
(if (NOT (exists envdisk))
(set envdisk "SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive")
(if (NOT (exists envdisk))
(makedir envdisk)
(if (> @user-level 1)
(set envdisk
(prompt #AskEnvArc)
(help #AskEnvArcHelp)
(default envdisk)
;** Create ENVARC assign in user-startup
(startup "Env-Archive"
(prompt #AskEnvArcStartup)
(help #AskStartupArcHelp )
(command ("Assign >NIL: ENVARC: %s" envdisk))
(makeassign "ENVARC" envdisk (safe))
(set #EnvArcDest envdisk)
(set #EnvDest (getassign "ENV" "a"))
;** Make sure there is an ENV directory and logical assign
(if (= #EnvDest "")
(set envdisk "RAM:ENV")
(if (NOT (exists envdisk))
(makedir envdisk)
;** Create ENV: assign in user-startup
(startup "Ram:ENV"
(prompt #AskEnvStartup)
(help #AskEnvStartupHelp )
(command ("Assign >NIL: ENV: %s\n" envdisk) "c:Copy >NIL: ENVARC: ENV: ALL NOREQ")
(makeassign "ENV" envdisk (safe))
(set #EnvDest envdisk)
(set #FileSourceDisk #Install1Disk)
(run (cat "resident " #Install1Disk ":Utils/Format")) ;make Format resident
(run (cat "resident " #Install1Disk ":Utils/Wait")) ;make Wait resident
(run (cat "resident " #Install1Disk ":Utils/LHA")) ;make LHA resident
(run (cat "resident " #Install1Disk ":Utils/Install2.1")) ;make Install resident
(run (cat "resident " #Install1Disk ":c/list")) ;make list resident
(run (cat "resident " #Install1Disk ":c/delete")) ;make delete resident
(set #FullPath (expandpath "sys:"))
(if (= #FullPath (cat #Install1Disk ":"))
(set #DiskDefault 1)
(set #DiskDefault 0)
(if (= #InstallationType "Printer")
(prompt #DestChoicePrinterPrompt)
(choices #HardDiskChoiceMsg
(help #DestChoicePrinterHelp)
(default #DiskDefault)
(set FloppyInstall 1)
(set FloppyInstall 0)
;** set novice user to expert briefly
(set #UserNovice 0)
(if (= @user-level 0)
(user 2)
(set #UserNovice 1)
(prompt #DestChoicePrompt)
(choices #HardDiskChoiceMsg
(help #DestChoiceHelp)
(default #DiskDefault)
(set FloppyInstall 1)
;** set novice user back to novice
(if (= #UserNovice 1)
(user 0)
(working #FloppyDiskWorkingMsg)
(if (>= @user-level 2) ;expert only
(set FormatChoice
(prompt #FormatChoiceprompt)
(choices #FormatChoicemsg1 #FormatChoicemsg2)
(help #FormatChoice-help)
(default 0)
(if (= @user-level 0)
(user 2)
(set #UserNovice 1)
(complete 10)
(message (cat #FloppyBackupsMsg)
(help #FloppyWarningHelp)
(complete 20)
(complete 35)
(complete 55)
(complete 75)
;** set novice user back to novice
(if (= #UserNovice 1)
(user 0)
(set FloppyFinished 1)
(set @default-dest "")
(complete 80)
;** On floppy, copy driver to boot disk at end
(prompt #InsertDiskMsg #NewWwDiskName)
(help #diskhelp)
(dest #NewWwDiskName)
(source #RamTempFile)
(dest #DriverDest)
(pattern ChosenDriver)
(optional "force")
(complete 90)
(working #Installingmsg1)
;** Lets set the WordworthPrefs file
(set #PrefsDest (cat #NewWwDiskName ":WordworthPrefs"))
(cat "RAM:writeprefs3 \"" #PrefsDest "\" \"" #DictDest "\" \"" #ThesDest "\" \"" ChosenDriver "\" \"" TopBord "\" \"" BotBord "\" \"" LeftBord "\" \"" RightBord "\" \"" #TemplatesDest "\""
(set ASLOK 0)
(set DiskFontOK 0)
(set #TextPreservedFlag 0)
;** set novice user back to novice
(if (= #UserNovice 1)
(user 0)
(if (AND (= ASLOK 1) (= DiskFontOK 1))
(working #HardDiskWorkingMsg)
;set amount of disk space needed in bytes
(set HDSpaceNeededBytes (* (* FullHDSpace 1024) 1024))
(set TotalFontLibSpace FullHDLibsSpace)
(@FindHDDest) ;ask for destination drawer
(@DearchiveCustomModulesHD) ;install all modules
(set @default-dest #DestDrawer)
(if (AND (= ASLOK 0) (= DiskFontOK 0))
(abort #BadASLandDiskFont)
(if (= ASLOK 0)
(abort #BadASL)
(abort #BadDiskFont)
); endif
(if (= #TextPreservedFlag 1)
;** Check env for Wordworth/wwfonts, creating it if it does not exist
(set #WwEnvArcDest (cat #EnvArcDest "/" #WwDrawerName))
(if (NOT (exists (#WwEnvArcDest)))
(makedir #WwEnvArcDest (safe))
;setup Wordworth path
( ;create 'wwfonts' variable with #HDWwFontsDest in it
(dest (cat #WwEnvArcDest "/" #WwFontsEnvName))
(append #HDWwFontsDest)
;do the same for env:
(set #WwEnvDest (cat #EnvDest "/" #WwDrawerName))
(if (NOT (exists (#WwEnvDest)))
(makedir #WwEnvDest (safe))
(;create 'WwFonts' variable with #HDWwFontsDest in it
(dest (cat #WwEnvDest "/" #WwFontsEnvName))
(append #HDWwFontsDest)
(dest (cat #InsideHDDest "/Wordworth"))
(settooltype "CLIPART" #ClipartDest)
(dest (cat #InsideHDDest "/Wordworth"))
(settooltype "DOCS" #DocsDest)
(source #HDWwToolsDest) ;Copy `InstallOutlines'
(dest "RAM:") ;to RAM for later on
(pattern "InstallOutlines")
(optional "nofail")
(complete 85)
(complete 90)
(working "Installing Wordworth 3 - Please wait...")
; Lets set the WordworthPrefs file
(set #PrefsDest (tackon #InsideHDDest "WordworthPrefs"))
(cat "RAM:writeprefs3 \"" #PrefsDest "\" \"" #DictDest "\" \"" #ThesDest "\" \"" ChosenDriver "\" \"" TopBord "\" \"" BotBord "\" \"" LeftBord "\" \"" RightBord "\" \"" #TemplatesDest "\""
;More Cleanup
(delete (tackon #RamTempFile ChosenDriver))
(delete #RamTempFile)
(run "resident delete REMOVE")
(delete "RAM:writeprefs3")
(delete "RAM:select")
(delete "RAM:WwPrinterList")
(complete 100)
(if (= #InstallationType "Printer")
(message #InstallationCompletemsg #DriverUsedmsg1 ChosenDriver #DriverUsedmsg2)
(exit (quiet))
(if (= FloppyFinished 1)
(if (= #Drivermsg 1)
(exit #FloppyFinishedMsg #DriverUsedmsg1 ChosenDriver #DriverUsedmsg2)
(exit #FloppyFinishedMsg)
(if (= #Drivermsg 1)
(exit #ReBoot #DriverUsedmsg1 ChosenDriver #DriverUsedmsg2)
(exit #ReBoot)